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  • Writer's pictureMistress Brianna

Going for Walks with Alice

I absolutely love having my online sissy wife Alice out and about as the girl she is....and she knows it.

So when she shows off a gorgeous, new dress in the privacy of her home....It can only lead to one thing.

One evening I sent Mistress photos of a new dress I had found in a charity shop. It's a black and white evening dress in satin with some jewel detail. It looked amazing.

Having seen it Mistress said I should be seen in it, while being in public scares me I also love it when I get into it so i decided ina walk in a nearby village.

On the evening chosen I got into my dress, with my forms and push up bra and some tights and headed off for what I thought would be a simple circular walk.

To start with it was, plenty of cafs passed....

.....and I passed some people in their gardens, but on the narrow lanes things were about to get much okie nerve wracking. A group of girls walking were behind me and as I approached a junction a coupple of young women walking a dog were coming. I felt so trapped and obviously a sissy (at 6'3" I'm not very girly).

They both looked at me but didnt say anything,but my heart was racing and panties wet at this point. I still had a long way to go and passed several more people.

Back at the car and time to go home ... but it wasnt. Mistress said that wasnt good enough, she wanted me to go shopping. Now I've been in a shop once before but not like this. In a satin evening dress this was going to be bad.

Parked up outside, mask on like a good girl I headed for the door legs trembling

Once in, with the one way systems there was only one way out so I might as well get on with it.

Trying to ignore the other shoppers I picked up a few things. Squeezing past a shelf stacked she said "sorry sir, ... I mean miss, erm..." she was so confused the poor girl. I got a few pics....

.....and my food and headed for the checkout,the lady there just spoke to me like normal, no awkwardness which was nice.

Next was a riverside walk in my home town on the way home, this place is nice but can be rough in the evening and wuite busy when its sunny.

Today was one of those days. It's a long path of arround a mile with only ways on and off at each end, once out there you are committed to being seen.

And I was, alot.

Nobody said anything though I did hear a few giggles after people had passed. I must have looked so odd out in a evening dressing a hot sunny day.

The next trip out, yesterday wa s abit if an impromptu plan. I had a ncie girls top and skirt at work along with my every day wearing a bra and panties so on the way home I went to the Humber bank for a wall past the nature reserves.

From work I didnt look very feminine, more like a man in a skirt and wig.

It's a popular walk with dozens of cars in the carpark and again very open and nowhere to hide.

Out on the walk I quickly got used to people seeing me, most said nothing, some I could see trying not to laugh and others commenting as I passed them. But i was enjoying the freedom of being out as myself.

I got caught iff guard by a coupple of women out working as I approach one spoke to me. The first to do so, saying it must be so warm in that outfit. We had a little chat arround that and the place we were. Her friend wasnt so keen, she kept looking away and didnt speak. I'm not sure if she was just being nice or was trying to take the mick a little but i enjoyed speaking to someone.

The next hour or so of the walk was pretty uneventful. Lots of people passed largely without a care, although I was always nervous with the younger ones, particularly groups of boys but in the end it was a nice evening out.

Once again, Alice has proved that, despite fears and worries, you can go out dressed and expressing yourself, and 9 out of 10 people won't give you more than a passing thought. Most will be pleasant and kind.

Just be safe and responsible and you'll do just fine, and even enjoy yourself.

I consider my online sissy wife Alice to be an inspiration to many.

After such a successful work, Alice deserved a treat for dinner. Here she is enjoying the big pizza she picked up at the supermarket.

Closing out with a few more pictures from her walks.....

Mistress Brianna xx

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