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  • Writer's pictureMistress Brianna

Putting Alice On Show

I'm totally aware of my online sissy wife's limits. But also aware that she constantly pushes herself and is very brave about who she is.

So on this day, I decided to turn a little bit of exposure fun into a real test of what she is ready to do and what she is capable of.

By exploring her limits, and definitely risking discovery, Alice discovered a truth that many could learn from. But before that.....

The day started with a trip to see thre sunrise at 3am, a little tiring to say the least.

When I got home about 11 mistress asked me to get dressed in something elegant. Naturally it was a choice between prom dress or wedding dress. Since it was new I chose my prom dress. With a well filled bra and panties to complete the outfit.

At this point I had no idea what to expect next. Maybe a trip out. I was asked to a dice to pick my fate. The result being I had to stand at my drive gates in my dress for 5 mins. For those not knowing that's a massive risk as I am not out to any neighbours, including a very good friend, ornmy family who are in the village

My drive us on a tee junctions so visible form all routes. Nevertheless less I plucked up the courage, and with alright shaky legs stood there taking regular proof photos.

5 minutes passed and mistress hadnt replied. I didn't dare move.

By now there much have been a hundred cars past and seen me.

Then a message ... and a hit at another 50 minutes. I was so scared I would be spotted in that time.

I wonder where that figure came from....Lol...If you look at something other than Alice in the pictures I'm sure you'll figure it out.

I asked if I could change dresses to which mistress said yes, I was hoping for my bridal dress but she had other ideas. The result being 5 changes, standing at the end of my drive.

My.heart was racing. I'd have nowhere to hide, if anyone I knew was about. I couldnt run inside half changed... this was so risky.

I.pleeded with mistress but she said one day they will find out so might as well be today. I knew I had to comply so with 5 dresses picked out.

Starting with my prom dress and the camera on, I got myself unzipped and stepped out of the dress. Hanging it on the gate, a coupple of cars passed as I stepped into my bridal dress.

I love this dress, the heavy weight and silky satin. I wish I could live in it.

I took a few posing pictures then got the next dress. A purple Coast evening dress. This is a little shirt and tight fitting but looks amazing in the sun. Again camera set up, out of the wedding dress with it over the gate. Just as I stepped into the purple dress and started zipping it up I heard my brothers car slowing to their drive.

Panick this is just what I feared would happen. Its him and his gf and I'm stood on the end of my drive ina purple evening dress and heels. Woth nowhere to hide they will have had a clear view of me.

I reply in a panik to mistress what's happens but she says to get on with the pics (that message got missed due to a phone call so she wasnt aware what happened)

Next it's a red evening dress, this one while not my favourite satin does show off my curves perfectly. Again lots of cars passed and saw me changing at this point I didnt realy care I already have big problems.

Another few cars pass on much be same way, but at this point my mind is completely on what I've done and being seen and how this will work out.

Tasks complete mistress allows me back inside and has a little laugh at my predicament.

4 days on they still arent talking to me, and a few others in the family have been very off with me since this but are talking little so I'm not sure wether that's related to this or not. Timing would say so.

But in the end we have to be ourselves and if others dont like it that's their problem

Well said, Alice.

Unfortunately, discovery and revelation can be a destructive force in our world. Often it isn't....But either way, should we deny ourselves happiness just for the comfort of others?

I am very proud of Alice for the fun we had here, and that she was willing to push herself to please me. Our relationship is one of casual happiness as she rarely fails me and often surprises me. I was very pleased that when facing a challenge she remembered her place in the dynamics of our relationship (as she always has) and did all she could to ensure my happiness. As she always does.

Thank you, Sweetheart.

Mistress Brianna xx

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